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Lasik Doctors


Raymond Gailitis, MD

Florida Lasik doctors approved by patient advocacy USAEyes.

Ophthalmology Consultants
The Center for Lasik
Raymond Gailitis, MD

Nonprofit Lasik laser eye surgery patient advocacy with network of evaluated Lasik doctors and detailed laser eye surgery information.
Raymond Gailitis, MD
Certified Since
April 4, 2003

5800 Colonial Dr #103
Margate, Florida, 33063
Phone Aimee
Toll Free 800/736-8558

Map to Lasik Surgeons' Office

Office Serving
Pompano Beach, Florida
Boca Raton, Florida
Delray Beach, Florida
Hollywood, Florida
West Palm Beach, Florida
Ft Pierce, Florida
Ft Lauderdale, Florida
Miami, Florida

Lasik South Florida

Lasik Surgeons' Website

    Consider and Choose With Confidence

Last updated Monday, April 12, 2010

"Consider and Choose With Confidence" TM

A few of the communities where Lasik doctors are certified by USAEyes :

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800/USA-Eyes - 800/872-3937
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USAEyes, CRSQA, Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance,
50 Tough Questions For Your Lasik Doctor, and Consider and Choose With Confidence are trademarks of the
Council for Refractive Surgery Quality Assurance
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