US military allows PRK and Lasik, however there are some
Image courtesy US Navy. |
SEALs are required to perform a variety of tasks that require
a high vision aptitude. SEAL candidates may qualify for PRK
Refractive Surgery to correct their vision. You can read more
about the PRK policy on the BUMED PRK Refractive Surgery web
site http://navymedicine.med.navy.mil.
Eyesight Requirements
Uncorrected vision can be no worse than 20/200 in each eye.
Both eyes must be correctable to 20/20 (Reference; Manual of
the Medical Department, P-117, Chapter 15-105, Paragraph 7a(c)).
No waivers for deficiencies. (Reference; Manual of the Medical
Department, P-117, Chapter 15-105, Paragraph 7a(c).
waiver request: Reference Manual of the Medical Department,
P-117, Chapter 15-102, Paragraph 3 and 3a. For more information
on current requirements, contact your local recruiter or reference
Manual of the Medical Department, P-117, Chapter 15-102, Paragraph
3 and 3a, or http://navymedicine.med.navy.mil.
Eye Waivers
(a) COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8 (SERIES) (b) Manual of the Medical
Department P-117 I.
Eye Sight waivers (Active Duty/Reservist)
a. Per the references, Eyesight Requirements: Uncorrected
vision can be no worse than 20/200 in each eye. Both eyes must
be correctable to 20/20.
b. BUMED waiver request: Reference Manual of the Medical
Department, P-117, Chapter 15-102, Paragraph 3 and 3a.
c. The eyesight waiver must be included with the medical
package per reference (a) to the SPECWAR Assignments (PERS 401D) for review. d.
The eyesight waiver request must be included with the completed
BUD/S package for final approval from the SPECWAR Assignments
II. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) or In-Situ
Keratomileusis (Lasik) surgery (Active Duty/Reservist)
a. IAW
reference (b) PRK or Lasik surgery waivers are granted case by case
b. An approved PRK or Lasik surgery waiver must be included
with your medical package per reference (a) to the Naval Special Warfare Center Medical Department
for review.
c. The PRK or Lasik surgery waiver must also be included
with the completed BUD/S package for final approval from the
SPECWAR Assignments (PERS-401D).
Navy personnel or prospective recruits to the Navy who choose
to have surgery performed by a civilian surgeon, they should
complete the following checklist items: Review the Navy message
that outlines refractive surgery policy for the Navy and Marine
Corps (R 101331Z APR 00).
If planning to apply for BUD/S training, review the Navy
message that outlines the requirements for new accessions into
training (BUMED/30MAR2000/SER 25/NOTAL; refractive surgery policy
in the Navy and Marine Corps for new accessions) and as specified
by approved LASIK study protocols. Complete the pre-op counseling
form for active duty service members prior to getting PRK from
a civilian provider (This document is posted as a link on the
BUMED home page: http://www-nmcp.mar.med.navy.mil/Ophthal/PRKSurgery.asp
(Appendix 3).
Complete the post-op medical clearance for return to duty
form after having PRK. (This document is posted as a link on
the BUMED home page: http://www-nmcp.mar.med.navy.mil/Ophthal/PRKSurgery.asp
Clearance for return to full and unrestricted duty.
Questions regarding corrective eye surgery can be directed
to the following department: Deputy Research Director, Navy
Refractive Surgery Center Ophthalmology, NMCSD 2650 Stockton
Road San Diego, CA 92106 (619)524-6733, FAX (619)524-1731 Clinic
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