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Lasik Doctors


Surgical Experience Required for
Lasik, Bladeless Lasik, PRK, etc.

It is easy to get caught up in a numbers chase. It is quality that counts, not quantity. We recommend you look for demonstrated surgical ability, not just numbers.

After the doctor has performed enough surgeries to become proficient and understands the nuances of the procedure, the rest are redundant. Most doctors could be considered proficient in a refractive surgery technique if they have been performing other similar types of surgery for three or more years and have successfully completed more than 500 cases of an already established refractive procedure. If they have not previously performed similar surgery, a larger number of cases would be more appropriate.

Think about the most exacting and detailed task you have ever accomplished. Wouldn't you be pretty good after doing it successfully 100-200 times? You should visit our Tough Questions For Your Surgeon page. In the end, you seek one good surgery - yours.

    Consider and Choose With Confidence

Last updated August 23, 2012

"Consider and Choose With Confidence" TM

A few of the communities where Lasik doctors are certified by USAEyes :

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50 Tough Questions For Your Lasik Doctor, and Consider and Choose With Confidence are trademarks of the
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